Matrix Science header

ms_fragment Member List

This is the complete list of members for ms_fragment, including all inherited members.
copyFrom(const ms_fragment *src)ms_fragment
getAllMatchedIons(std::vector< double > &masses, std::vector< double > &intensities) const ms_fragment
getCharge() const ms_fragment
getColumn() const ms_fragment
getEnd() const ms_fragment
getLabel(const LABEL_FORMAT fmt=LABEL_FORMAT_TRADITIONAL) const ms_fragment
getMass() const ms_fragment
getMatchedIonIntensity() const ms_fragment
getMatchedIonMass() const ms_fragment
getNeutralLoss() const ms_fragment
getPeptideSubstring() const ms_fragment
getSeriesName() const ms_fragment
getStart() const ms_fragment
isCTerminal() const ms_fragment
isFromAlpha() const ms_fragment
isFromBeta() const ms_fragment
isImmonium() const ms_fragment
isInternal() const ms_fragment
isNTerminal() const ms_fragment
isPrecursorNL() const ms_fragment
isRegular() const ms_fragment
LABEL_FORMAT enum namems_fragment
LABEL_FORMAT_PEPTIDE_VIEW enum valuems_fragment
LABEL_FORMAT_TRADITIONAL enum valuems_fragment
ms_fragment(const ms_fragment &src)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const int seriesID, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int col, const int chargeState=1, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const ms_peptide::PSM psmComponent, const int seriesID, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int col, const int chargeState, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const char *seriesName, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int col, const int chargeState=1, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const ms_peptide::PSM psmComponent, const char *seriesName, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int col, const int chargeState, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const int seriesID, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const char *peptideStr, const int startPos, const int endPos, const int chargeState=1, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const ms_peptide::PSM psmComponent, const int seriesID, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const char *peptideStr, const int startPos, const int endPos, const int chargeState, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const char residueName, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int col=-1, const int chargeState=1, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const ms_peptide::PSM psmComponent, const char residueName, const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int col, const int chargeState, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
ms_fragment(const double massValue, const double nlValue, const int chargeState, const double matchedExptMass=0, const double matchedExptIntensity=0)ms_fragment
operator=(const ms_fragment &right)ms_fragment
setMatchedIon(const double mass, const double intensity)ms_fragment

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