Matrix Science header

Example program for reading and manipulating the quantitation.xml file.

# file:                                               #
# 'msparser' toolkit example code                                            #
# COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                                           #
# Copyright 1998-2010 Matrix Science Limited  All Rights Reserved.           #
#                                                                            #
#     $Source: parser/examples/test_perl/ $ #
#     $Author: $                                                      #
#       $Date: 2018-07-30 16:23:53 +0100 $                                         #
#   $Revision: 1b450440f9c97e1e41d0fc6016a27d68951d4532 | MSPARSER_REL_2_8_1-0-gea32989045 $                                                         #
# $NoKeywords::                                                            $ #
use strict;

use msparser;

if (!defined($ARGV[0])) {
    print <<EOF;
The location of quantitation.xml file has to be specified as a parameter.
The location should either be the full path to the quantitation.xml file
or a URL to a Mascot server - e.g. http://mascot-server/mascot/cgi
    exit 1;

if (!defined($ARGV[1])) {
    print <<EOF;
The location of schema file quantitation_XXX.xsd has to be specified as the
second parameter. The location should only be a full or relative path to the
quantitation_XXX.xsd file.
    exit 1;

# Note: $cs must not be lexically scoped; you need to keep it in scope
# for as long as you use $file. See "Using the toolkit from Perl, Java and 
# Python" in Mascot Parser manual.
my ($file, $cs);

# A sessionID can optionally be passed as the third parameter.
# This will only be required if the 'file' is a URL.
if (defined($ARGV[2])) {
    $cs = new msparser::ms_connection_settings;
    $file = new msparser::ms_quant_configfile($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $cs);
} else {
    $file = new msparser::ms_quant_configfile($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);

if (!$file->isValid) {
    print "There are errors. Cannot continue. The last error description:\n";
    print $file->getLastErrorString(), "\n";
    exit 1;

my $n = $file->getNumberOfMethods;
print "There are ", $n, " quantitation methods available:\n";

for my $i (0 .. $n-1) {
    print $file->getMethodByNumber($i)->getName(), "\n";

# Validate the original document.
if (my $errs = $file->validateDocument())
    print "Initial document validation errors:\n";
    print $errs, "\n";

# Now try to read in the schema file.
my $schemaFile = new msparser::ms_xml_schema;

if (!$schemaFile->isValid) {
    print "Errors while reading schema-file. The last error description:\n";
    print $schemaFile->getLastErrorString(), "\n";
    exit 1;

# The document can be validated programmatically, but this is different from
# real validation against a schema. We'll validate each quantitation
# method separately.
for my $i (0 .. $n-1) {
    # Shallow validation: only check the presence of required attributes and
    # elements.
    my $pMethod = $file->getMethodByNumber($i);

    if (my $errs = $pMethod->validateShallow($schemaFile)) {
        print "Shallow validation errors (method ", $pMethod->getName, "): ";
        print $errs, "\n\n";

    # Deep validation: check attributes and elements recursively applying basic
    # constraints.
    if (my $errs = $pMethod->validateDeep($schemaFile)) {
        print "Deep validation errors (method ", $pMethod->getName, "): ";
        print $errs, "\n\n";

# We can validate objects as well. First, copy the first method from the
# original file (method "null").
my $myMethodInvalid = new msparser::ms_quant_method($file->getMethodByNumber(0));
# And set an invalid name with less than allowed string length.

# First way: use shallow and deep validation as above.
if (my $errs = $myMethodInvalid->validateShallow($schemaFile)) {
    print "Shallow validation of a method: ", $errs, "\n";

if (my $errs = $myMethodInvalid->validateDeep($schemaFile)) {
    print "Deep validation of a method: ", $errs, "\n";

# Second way: use the schema object. This is equivalent to the previous
# two-step process as long as you pass 'true' as the second parameter
# for deep validation.

if (my $errs = $schemaFile->validateComplexObject($myMethodInvalid, 1)) {
    print "Deep validation using schema-object: ", $errs, "\n";

# Third way: validate an attribute separately. Available validation methods
# are validateSimpleInteger(), validateSimpleDouble(), validateSimpleBool()
# and validateSimpleString().
if (my $errs = $schemaFile->validateSimpleString($myMethodInvalid->getName(), $myMethodInvalid->getNameSchemaType())) {
    print "Attribute validation: ", $errs, "\n";

# Fourth way: validate an entire document. For this, we need to create
# a new document and append the invalid method definition.
my $configFileInvalid = new msparser::ms_quant_configfile;

if (my $errs = $configFileInvalid->validateDocument()) {
    print "Document validation errors: ", $errs, "\n";

# The config file object itself stays valid, even if it has an invalid
# method definition.
if ( !$configFileInvalid->isValid() ) {
    # Control flow never comes here!
    print "Errors in config file object. The last error description:\n";
    print $configFileInvalid->getLastErrorString(), "\n";

# The file can be saved even if it has invalid definitions. 

if ( !$configFileInvalid->isValid() ) {
    print "Failed to save: ", $configFileInvalid->getLastErrorString(), "\n";


Running the program as 

perl -I../bin ../config/quantitation.xml ../html/xmlns/schema/quantitation_2/quantitation_2.xsd

will give the following output under Mascot Server 2.3 (depending on how
quantitation methods have been configured): 

There are 26 quantitation methods available:
iTRAQ 4plex
iTRAQ 8plex
TMT 6plex
TMT 2plex
18O multiplex
SILAC K+6 R+6 multiplex
IPTL (Succinyl and IMID) multiplex
ICPL duplex pre-digest [MD]
ICPL duplex post-digest [MD]
ICPL triplex pre-digest [MD]
18O corrected [MD]
15N Metabolic [MD]
15N + 13C Metabolic [MD]
SILAC K+6 R+10 [MD]
SILAC K+6 R+10 Arg-Pro [MD]
SILAC K+6 R+6 [MD]
SILAC R+6 R+10 [MD]
SILAC K+8 R+10 [MD]
SILAC K+4 K+8 R+6 R+10 [MD]
ICAT ABI Cleavable [MD]
Dimethylation [MD]
NBS Shimadzu [MD]
Label-free [MD]
Average [MD]
Deep validation of a method: Attribute 'name' -> String is shorter than minLength-limit
Deep validation using schema-object: Attribute 'name' -> String is shorter than minLength-limit
Attribute validation: String is shorter than minLength-limit


Copyright © 2022 Matrix Science Ltd.  All Rights Reserved. Generated on Thu Mar 31 2022 01:12:29