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Quantitation analysis for Mascot Server and Distiller


class  ms_customquantitation
 Peptide and protein quantitation using custom peptide ratios and protein-peptide mappings. More...
class  ms_distiller_data
 Distiller project parameters. More...
class  ms_distiller_data_quant
 The details of a Distiller search. More...
class  ms_distiller_data_search
 The details of a Distiller search. More...
class  ms_distiller_master_project
 Data for a Distiller master project, includes a list of the subprojects. More...
class  ms_distiller_master_search
 The details of a Distiller multifile search. More...
class  ms_distiller_search_status
 A Mascot search status from a Distiller project file. More...
class  ms_distiller_search_status_list
 A list of Mascot search status values, typically stored in a Distiller project file. More...
class  ms_distiller_sub_project
 The details of a Distiller multifile subproject. More...
class  ms_distiller_subsearch
 The details of a Distiller multifile subsearch. More...
class  ms_fitexy_result
 Parameters and results from least squares fit with errors in both co-ordinates. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_average_results
 Results specific to an 'average' type quantitation method. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_charge_state
 A result from a charge state calculation. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_match
 A peptide that has been matched, in quantitation, to a protein hit. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_match_component
 A component within a match. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_match_range
 A range for a component of a peptide match. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_match_ratio
 The status resulting ratio for a peptide found in a match. More...
class  ms_ms1quant_peptide_status
 An individual peptide's quantitation status. More...
class  ms_ms1quantitation
 The result of quantitation calculations applied to peptide summary. More...
class  ms_ms2quantitation
 Peptide and protein quantitation in a Reporter or Multiplex Mascot results file. More...
class  ms_peptide_quant_key
 Feature key identifying a peptide ratio. More...
class  ms_peptide_quant_key_vector
 A vector of peptide quant keys. More...
class  ms_peptide_quant_ratio
 Peptide abundance in one component relative to another in a quantitation experiment. More...
class  ms_progress_info
 Contains information of the current progress of a task being performed. More...
class  ms_protein_quant_ratio
 Protein abundance in one component relative to another in a quantitation experiment, derived from a sample of peptide ratios. More...
class  ms_quant_helper
 Helper routines for peptide quantitation. More...
class  ms_quant_stats
 Mathematical and statistical routines for peptide and protein quantitation. More...
class  ms_quantitation
 Base class for peptide and protein quantitation. More...
class  ms_shapiro_wilk
 The Shapiro-Wilk W test. More...
class  ms_xic
 An eXtracted Ion Chromatogram (XIC). More...
class  ms_xic_point
 A single point from a matrix_science::ms_xic object. More...


 Peptide and protein quantitation
 Accessing Distiller Quantitation Results
 Accessing Distiller Multi-file Quantitation Results
 Extracting quantitation results with the Distiller toolkit
 Source code for the Shapiro-Wilk W test algorithm
 Examples for the Mascot Parser quantitation module

Detailed Description

Classes for handling the quantitation configuration files are in Mascot configuration files module

The statistics modules are used for the quantitation functions in both Mascot server and Mascot Distiller.

Source code for the Shapiro-Wilk W test algorithm

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