Mascot: The trusted reference standard for protein identification by mass spectrometry for 25 years

Exercise MSMS1: answers


  1. Try to explain as many as possible of the additional error tolerant matches

    Pyro-glu is a very common artefact

    error tolerant

    As are these three for samples separated on a gel. The carbamidomethyl is deliberate alkylation with iodoacetamide. The propionamide is an artefact caused by residual free acrylamide. If you see both, this means that the cysteines were blocked after running the gel.

    error tolerant

    These are the same thing, of course!

    error tolerant

  2. Are there any that you cannot explain or do not believe?

    Can anyone come up with a reasonable explanation for this? Could be a combination of two modifications

    error tolerant

    Ignore this, there’s a better match to ROAA_HUMAN with a more likely explanation

    error tolerant

    Probably just an artefact of the wide mass tolerance. Delta should really be -0.5 Da

    error tolerant

    Same again. Final match should be another Met-Ox

    error tolerant

    No reason to accept this unlikely match when the score for a match to an unmodified peptide is almost the same. Setting require bold red would remove this hit from the report.

    error tolerant

  3. Which modifications, if any, should have been selected for the first pass search?
    May be worth repeating the search with the following variable modifications:
    • Oxidised Methionine
    • Pyro-Glu
    And a fixed modification of Carbamidomethylation (C).

    This may find additional peptide matches that are doubly modified.


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