Mascot: The trusted reference standard for protein identification by mass spectrometry for 25 years


Articles tagged: replicate

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Posted by Patrick Emery (June 20, 2022)

Divide and conquer: Fractionated Label Free Quantitation in Mascot Distiller 2.8.2

We have recently released Mascot Distiller 2.8.2. The headline new feature is support for Label-Free Quantitation of fractionated samples. With Mascot Distiller 2.8, individual raw files in a project are aligned against a consensus generated by roughly aligning and combining the total ion chromatograms (TICs) of each raw file. If a peptide match is found in one sample file and [...]

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Posted by Patrick Emery (April 28, 2021)

Global thinking: Label Free Quantitation in Mascot Distiller 2.8

Mascot Distiller supports a wide range of precursor based quantitation methods, including two label-free methods, which we call Replicate and Average. Version 2.8 makes significant improvements to the Replicate method. This is the method for label-free quantitation based on the relative intensities of extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) for precursors in multiple data sets aligned using mass and elution time. Replicate [...]

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