Predicted RT and fragment intensity in Mascot Server 3.0
A release candidate of the next version of Mascot Server is running on this website. One of the headline features in the preliminary release notes is refining results with machine learning, which includes integration with MS2Rescore. Below is a preview for you to enjoy while we are beta testing the new release. What is MS2Rescore? Mascot Server has shipped with [...]
How does rescoring with machine learning work?
Mascot Server ships with Percolator, which is an algorithm that uses semi-supervised machine learning to improve the discrimination between correct and incorrect spectrum identifications. This is often termed rescoring with machine learning. What exactly does it mean, and how does it work? Identifying correct matches using a score threshold When you submit a search against the target protein sequence database, [...]
Matrix Science at ASMS 2024
The ASMS 2024 conference was held in Anaheim, California, on 2-6 June 2024. It was great to see many of you at our booth as well as the annual Breakfast Meeting! We presented three talks at the meeting. If you were unable to attend, or want to review any of the material that was presented, the talks are summarised below [...]
30 years of Sequence Tags
This year we are celebrating 30 years of sequence tags. The technique was developed by Matthias Mann and Matthias Wilm while in the Protein and Peptide group at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). EMBL is itself celebrating its 50th Anniversary and has been an important center for science over that period. The sequence tag paper was published in 1994, [...]
Mascot workflow for LC-MS/MS data
Data analysis in mass spectrometry proteomics is complex and, nowadays, almost entirely software driven. Processing a raw file, peptide identification by database searching, protein inference and protein quantitation all have many steps and built-in assumptions, not to mention a huge number of parameters. Software continues to evolve as does best practice. Whether you are new to mass spectrometry proteomics or [...]
Tutorial: Creating custom reports in Mascot Distiller
Mascot Distiller 2.8 reports are written in Python, a commonly used programming language, and use Mascot Parser to access the search and quantitation results. We supply a range of standard reports, including reports for quality, clustering and statistical analysis, which we took a look at in an earlier blog article. In addition to these, you can develop your own reports [...]
How to run the public Mascot service
The public Mascot service running on this website recently had its 25th birthday: the service was launched in November 1998. The purpose is to let you evaluate the product before buying, but it’s also useful for small data sets and proteomics training courses. We’re a small company and our main activity is software development. The secrets to running the public [...]
Mascot security – guest users and administrators
Mascot Security is a role-based access system that allows administrators to control different aspects of privacy and priority access. It integrates with authentication systems like Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and various single sign-on systems. It can also be configured for a core lab, where search results can be shared with collaborators without them having access to the results of other groups. [...]
ABRF iPRG 2023 crosslinking study
One of the great things about the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) is their technical studies involving real samples and data. The three proteomics research groups, Proteomics (PRG), Proteome Informatics (iPRG) and Proteomics Standards (sPRG), have all held interesting studies over the years. This year the iPRG group has put together a crosslinking study. The goal is to teach [...]
Finding unsuspected modifications in narrow-window DIA data using the Mascot Error Tolerant Search
Mascot’s spectrum-centric approach doesn’t have the constraints on variable modifications, missed cleavages and protein sequences that are required by peptide-centric DIA tools. In fact, it’s nearly trivial to identify unsuspected variable modifications in narrow-window DIA data using the Mascot Error Tolerant Search. There can be many reasons for failing to get a significant sequence match to an MS/MS spectrum. Three [...]
Spectrum-centric searching of narrow window DIA data with Mascot Server
Data-independent acquisition (DIA) can be broadly separated into narrow window and wide window strategies depending on the size of the isolation window. There are also two data analysis strategies – peptide-centric and spectrum-centric. Wide window DIA typically requires a peptide-centric approach, but narrow window DIA data can be analysed either way. Mascot Server is spectrum-centric, and it’s possible to run [...]
Mascot Distiller 20th anniversary
This year is the 25th anniversary of Matrix Science and 25 years of Mascot Server, but it’s also the 20th birthday of Mascot Distiller! Mascot Distiller 1.0 was released in June 2003 and it’s still under active development today. Distiller started as a GUI application for browsing and peak picking native (raw, binary) mass spectrometry data files. Let’s have a [...]