Mascot: The trusted reference standard for protein identification by mass spectrometry for 25 years


Articles tagged: scoring

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (July 25, 2024)

How does rescoring with machine learning work?

Mascot Server ships with Percolator, which is an algorithm that uses semi-supervised machine learning to improve the discrimination between correct and incorrect spectrum identifications. This is often termed rescoring with machine learning. What exactly does it mean, and how does it work? Identifying correct matches using a score threshold When you submit a search against the target protein sequence database, [...]

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (April 18, 2024)

Mascot workflow for LC-MS/MS data

Data analysis in mass spectrometry proteomics is complex and, nowadays, almost entirely software driven. Processing a raw file, peptide identification by database searching, protein inference and protein quantitation all have many steps and built-in assumptions, not to mention a huge number of parameters. Software continues to evolve as does best practice. Whether you are new to mass spectrometry proteomics or [...]

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (July 13, 2023)

Get better HCD results by matching internal fragments

Mascot ships with several instrument definitions, which define the fragment ion series used for matching and scoring. All of them enable b ions and most enable y ions, and a few like ETD-TRAP also enable c and z+1. Mascot can also match internal fragments, which are formed by double backbone cleavage, a combination of a/b type and y type. Of [...]

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Posted by Richard Jacob (October 14, 2022)

Complementary reporter ion clusters in TMT/TMTpro labeling

We recently received a support request about complementary ions in TMTpro labeling. Complementary ions are formed during fragmentation, where the precursor loses the reporter ion and carbon monoxide, leaving behind the peptide and the balance region of the label. Complementary ion spacing is similar to reporter ions but the mass varies depending on peptide mass. The customer was concerned that [...]

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (July 20, 2022)

Does your search engine show the evidence?

You’ve submitted a protein sequence database search and start looking at the results. Why did the search engine identify that protein? What is the peptide evidence? Which alternatives did the software consider? Is the software’s decision correct? These are basic yet important questions with any software-driven approach – which is the bulk of today’s MS/MS data analysis. A lot of [...]

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (February 16, 2022)

Single-cell peptide fragmentation spectra

More single-cell proteomics studies are published each year as instruments become more sensitive and sample preparation is optimised. A recent publication in the Journal of Proteome Research, Features of Peptide Fragmentation Spectra in Single-Cell Proteomics, highlights potential challenges to protein and peptide identification by database searching. Boekweg et al. computationally examined the fragmentation spectra of peptides from bulk samples, 2ng [...]

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (September 16, 2019)

Common myths about protein scores

Mascot Server is used in many different application areas by both mass spectrometry experts and non-experts. Over the years, we’ve spotted a few recurring misconceptions about how protein scores are interpreted and used. All the examples come from recent peer-reviewed papers. Protein scores in PMF searches The very first thing to check is, what type of experiment is being reported. [...]

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Posted by Ville Koskinen (May 17, 2019)

Back to basics 5: Peptide-spectrum match statistics

Mascot can identify peptides in uninterpreted MS/MS data. Observed spectra are submitted to Mascot as search queries. A query specifies the precursor ion m/z and charge state as well as the MS/MS peak list. Mascot digests protein sequences from the chosen database and selects peptide sequences whose mass is within the specified tolerance of the query’s precursor mass. The software [...]

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Posted by John Cottrell (April 15, 2019)

Mascot workflows in Proteome Discoverer

For many users of Thermo instruments, Proteome Discoverer (PD) is their primary user interface for database searching, and Mascot is represented by a node in the workflow. This article collects together a few tips and observations concerning Proteome Discoverer 2.3 and Mascot Server 2.6. Proteome Discoverer Configuration Under Administration; Mascot Server, the setting Max. MGF File Size [MB] has a [...]

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Posted by John Cottrell (March 14, 2016)

Some peaks are more equal than others

When you look at the details of a peptide match in the Mascot Peptide View report, only a small number of the peaks may be labelled in the spectrum graphic and highlighted in the table of fragment masses. We often got challenged about this: "Why haven’t you labelled these other peaks that clearly match?". So, in Mascot 2.3, we added [...]

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